Dharma Talk: “The Four Immeasurables” (5:30)
Dharma Talk: “The Four Immeasurables”. Cultivate and contemplate the attitudes of loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity. (5:30)
Dharma Talk: “The Four Immeasurables”. Cultivate and contemplate the attitudes of loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity. (5:30)
Dharma Talk: “There’s Only One Thing Blocking Your Happiness”. Everyone wants to be happy. Seems obvious, right? But what is it that blocks our way? (8:31) [...]
Dharma Talk: The Three Knots. Hatha Yoga is the science of moving your Kundalini Shakti (life force energy) towards Sahasrara (Crown Chakra). There are three primary areas or [...]
Dharma Talk: “The Ground of Being”. What do you find as you peel back the layers of yourself? What is at your core? Is there a core? What [...]
Dharma Talk: Hurricanes and Observing Attachments. Stressful and challenging times give us an opportunity to practice yoga by becoming aware of our attachments and learning to let go [...]
Dharma Talk: Self Acceptance is an important step on the path of Self Realization. What qualities do you need to be aware of as you continue on your [...]
Dharma Talk: How to utilize the ancient teachings of the Kleshas as a tool to observe suffering and lead a more easeful life.
Dharma Talk: Does trying to ‘fit in’ actually block your Dharma, your purpose in life?
Dharma Talk: A discussion on how to process and allow yourself to experience anger using the practice of cultivating compassion for yourself and others.
Dharma Talk: Is our attachment to material items enough to fill our sense that something is missing or that we are not enough?