Fun Flow starts slow as we connect with our breath and settle into the present moment. This class will open the body with restorative postures that will ease the way into a flow designed to celebrate creative movement and reconnecting to spirit, while encouraging an attitude of lightness and humor.
Some days you may honor your strength and take the most challenging variation, and some days a slower, more easeful practice. Enjoy a funky playlist and absorb all the collective energy. Ancient yogic teachings are shared in this class in an accessible way, with an emphasis on how they can be practiced in everyday life. Downward dog dance parties are encouraged!
Find your Zen! Zen is a path to fully awaken to your original nature, which is present right here, right now. Just as yoga means union, Zen is a union of mind, body and Spirit through mindful and present practices such as flowing asanas, pranayama breath techniques and Bhakti infused meditations. Get ready to find your Bliss!