Explore, learn and dive deeper with these workshops, seminars and trainings.
Name of Attendee(s)

HEART Gentle Yin Yoga
Healing Energy Alchemy Reiki Therapy with Holly Briscoe
June 5th  – Wednesday 7pm

Holly will be blending slow stretchy yoga postures to assist relaxing and reducing tension with Healing Energy Alchemy Reiki Therapy. This event will bring balance to the everyday “wear and tear” on your muscles and joints by stretching the connective tissues, releasing fascia and lactic acid build up. Reconnect with deeper breath to soothe and reset your central nervous system, strengthen your immune system, and deepen your intuitive connection to your Higher Self – aka your Soul. Boost your body’s ability to heal, raise your vibration and frequency!!

You can look forward to clearing energetic waste and karma and agreements, DNA and crystal activations, chakra repair and upgrades, auric layer repair and upgrades, clearer clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairaudient and clairsentient channels, countless downloads of healing information and crystalline gifts, improved clarity, consciousness, joy, love, gratitude, worthiness and awareness, MORE power to heal yourself and others, and SO MUCH MORE!!!

Holly has been teaching yoga locally full time for over 23 years. She’s been a Reiki practitioner for over 15 years and a practicing Alchemy Healer for over 6 years. For more questions, contact Holly at (561) 373-3567.

Full Moon Sound Healing with Yin Yoga
with MaryJo Samaritano
Sunday – 4pm – 5:30pm
June 23rd

Connect to the divine energy of the Full Moon and the Summer Solstice. Release what no longer serves your purpose, passion, and highest good. Welcome prosperity, health, peace, and joy into your life. Imagine the moonlight washing over you while being guided through Chakra balancing Yin postures, breathwork, and meditation. Settle in and receive Sacred Sound Healing. Various instruments are used including crystal and Tibetan bowls, chimes, ocean drum, bells, and tuning forks. You will leave feeling clear, refreshed, and restored. Aromatherapy will be used throughout the session.

MindBodyRock with Bonnie Hubscher
Sunday 2pm – 3:30pm
May 5th
$20 (pay on arrival)

As a 66 years BOLD happy baby boomer my mission is to bring you a mind-body practice inspired by athletic Vinyasa yoga and Pilates Mat. But, that’s been done before. MindBodyRock is unique as the inspiring music sets the pace and mood to raise or lower your heart rate but it’s still joint safe, fun, and challenging!

MindBodyRockers enjoy cardio fitness, greater lung volume, improved balance, agility, coordination, and sports performance. The sequencing trains the entire mind-body connection restoring muscular harmony so you can move with greater ease in all things you love to do!

Tune-In Bhakti Flow with Matt Swanner
2nd Wednesdays – 7pm – 8:30pm
May 8th
$10 (pay on arrival)

Tune-In Bhakti Flow is an invitation to connect and indulge in a tranquil journey of vocal toning, chanting, and meditation, proven to reduce stress, improve respiratory and cognitive function, and stimulate emotional release, while fostering social connection and a sense of community.

Rooted in the rich tradition of Bhakti Yoga, these evenings are an opportunity to nurture your body, mind, and soul in a community of like-hearted individuals. Join us for an enchanting experience that promises to linger long after you’ve left the mat.

No yoga attire or mats are necessary for participation. Musical instruments are encouraged. Come as you are and enjoy the experience!

Journey through the Chakras with Maureen Agnello
Yin Restorative Yoga Summer Series
Saturdays 2pm – 3:30pm
June 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
July 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
$20 per class (pay on arrival)

An 8 week series beginning with an introduction to the Tantric Chakra System, followed by weekly classes sequenced and themed for balancing and clearing each of the seven chakras. In Sanskrit, the word “Chakra” means “wheel”.  These wheels of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles, major organs and mental/emotional states.

Each 90 minute practice will be a quiet meditative experience with poses done seated or lying down. The support of props is added for comfort and individualized modification. Yin poses will be used to stretch the fascia and lengthen connective tissue, as well as to strengthen energy channels/meridians which ultimately support the organs, immune system, and emotional well being. The slow pace of Yin Restorative Yoga encourages the body to relax deeply, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, and releasing tension and emotional blocks held in the tissue to allow for more profound change.

Did you miss one of our workshops or specialty classes? Below are recordings that are available for purchase. Send your payment, note which event you would like and include your email address.
CEUs are available for Yoga Teachers.

Venmo @Mary-Veal
Zelle [email protected]
PayPal [email protected]
Include your email address with payment

1. Yoga for the Immune System  $25
2. Understanding Life through the Yoga Sutras  $119
3. Revelations of the Upanishads  $109
4. Develop Your Home Yoga Practice  $25
5. All About the Psoas  $30
6. Hips & Hamstrings Yoga  $20
7. The Meaning of Aum and How to Chant It  $25
8. Chakra Affirmations Yoga  $20
9.  An In Depth Study of The Bhagavad Gita  $169
10.  Low Back Pain? It Could Be Your QL!  $28
11.  The Eight Pillars of Joy  $109
12.  Yoga for Sciatica  $30
13.  “A New Earth” Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose  $129